Table setting

A prominent place given to the Art of Table Setting.

The beautiful and the useful combined to perfection...

In this gray-blue ambiance reminiscent of rock, modifiable stainless steel screens frame the view and preserve the restaurant's privacy, playing with light and changing reflections. The beautiful and the useful are harmoniously combined down to the smallest details. The elaborate lighting includes both decorative and designer blown glass pendant lamps that diffuse warm light, as well as more technical LED beams that focus precisely on the plate without dazzling the diners.

With a strong appreciation for the art of table setting and an insatiable curiosity, Perrine Carrier, a great athlete, takes as much pleasure in discovering new mountain trails as she does in seeking out talented local artisans. From contemporary ceramics by Cécile Ballauri, a high mountain guide, to new meat knives with wooden handles from the Arve Valley ordered from Jérôme Leprêtre, a master cutler – passing through baskets and wooden appetizer plates designed by sculptors and cabinetmakers Benoît Vauthier and Manu Lerendu (Studio Ben & Manu), to the cake and appetizer display creations for the QuartzBar, designed by Chamonix filmmaker Didier Lafond with crystal centered on a glass plate, or even the metal check holders depicting different summits by Emmanuel Coemet, a former metallurgist also from the region... All of these are evocations and interpretations of the mountain world, subtly integrated into the table settings at Albert 1er. Not to forget the cover illustration on the gourmet menus, reproducing the work of an artist exhibited at the Hameau. Another perspective of this beautiful environment that continues to leave a lasting impression on the senses.

All of these artisans are deeply connected to and fascinated by their region; the strength emanating from the surrounding nature is reflected in their art. For Cécile Ballauri, "The concentration required to work with clay is the same as in climbing or skiing: the search for balance is my driving force, my motivation. With ceramics, I rediscover the freedom experienced in high places."

Our offers

A 5* breakfast followed by a 30 minutes treatment at the Spa ' Le Bachal ' with access to our relaxation room hammam and sauna. Only 6 places available daily. Price : 196 € / 2 pers

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