Alpine cuisine

Maison Carrier

"Boudin de la Maison & 'Carti à la Chrive'; Savoyard Fondue 'Half-Half'; Stone Soup but also Savoyard Farçon; Prune Turnovers; Savoy Biscuit. These dishes are the identity of our mountain regions. Here, we tell you about the Savoyard Farçon.

It used to be, until the beginning of the tourist expansion in the Alps, the typical Sunday midday dish on mountain farms. It would slowly cook on the stoves, and all that was left was to unmold it after church. It was often accompanied by cooked bacon or a meat dish with sauce, such as rabbit stew or 'fricacha de caillon à la sauce coffa' (young piglet stew). Varying from one village to another, it is sometimes made with raisins, dried pears, or even saffron. The mold used was round, quite tall (20cm), made of metal, with a chimney to allow it to be cooked in a water bath until the center was done (a long cooking process, about 4 hours). At Maison Carrier, we continue the recipe of Pierre Carrier's grandfather, the one from the Chamonix Valley, known as Chamouny in Old French.

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